Focus on sustainability and efficiency
Customer case: Bagaren & Kocken (Baker & Chef)
Baker and Chef is one of Sweden’s largest online stores within kitchen appliances. When they went from order picking with manual trolleys to a truck solution, the old Ergobjörn trolleys were re-built to get the picking completely adapted to the greatest possible efficiency.
Sustainability and efficiency are parts of the company’s strategy.
The Baker and Chef have an extreme growth rate. Although the newly built warehouse is not even a year old, it is already getting too crowded.
– ”We had not been able to expect that we would grow so fast,” says Renzo Hidalgo, who is the supervisor of incomming delivery.
– ”In the past year, we have had 40% more sales than the year before.”

Renzo Hidalgo and Jennie Öhlund, supervisors of delivery
Great ergonomic advantage
When the new warehouse was taken possession of, one went from picking with manual trolleys to a truck and trolley solution.
The biggest advantage that the Baker and Chef see with this way of picking is for the personnel.
– ”The staff feels good, because the ergonomics have improved significantly. They are happy to be comfortable, instead of going all day on a hard concrete floor,” says Renzo Hidalgo.
In addition, the order picking is much faster and becomes more efficient.
– ”We can pick 80 orders in a trolley now, compared to the 25 we had before,” says Jennie Öhlund, who is the supervisor of outgoing delivery.

Extra long trolley
The trucks are the Ergobjörn 710 model (BT Optio TSE 100W-710) and the rebuilt trolley is extra long with adjustable dividers that adapt the space as needed.
The products that are picked vary a lot in size. Everything from a chef’s knife to a grill. The articles are divided into different zones, depending on size.
– ”You want to fill a trolley with items of smaller size and then pick up larger products in another zone. After that they are brought together in the packing area”, says Renzo.
Barbecue season starts
When Helge Nyberg is visiting, the first rays of spring sun are showing and it proofs in the number of grills that are waiting to be sent to the customers.
Mondays and Tuesdays are the days of the week that have the highest pressure, as customers shop online during the weekend.
– ”The most important thing in the competition is to get the products off in time. Customers expect fast delivery and it depends on how fast we can work,” Renzo says.
It is Black Week that is responsible for the highest pay during the year.
– ”That week it is extra important that systems and planning for profitability and efficiency work. It is my job to make it flow and preferably without having to bring in extra personnel. ”
Started in the kitchen
Bagaren och Kocken grundades 2005 av Hanna och Ulf Kihlberg, i deras villa i Göteborg. 2014 såldes företaget till Egmont, men Hanna och Ulf finns kvar för att hjälpa e-handelsbolaget vidare via en koBaker and Chef were founded in 2005 by Hanna and Ulf Kihlberg, in their villa in Gothenburg, Sweden. In 2014, the company was sold to Egmont, but Hanna and Ulf are still there to help the e-commerce company through a consultancy. In recent years, growth has increased. The staff increase is about 50%. There are about 40 people who work at the company and on the shelves there are over 15,000 products.nsultroll.