"We were all very impressed"
Customer case: Stavanger Universitetssjukehus

A highly functional logistics forms the base in order for a large hospital to work at its best. There are many long-distance transports taking place in extensive underground culverts, halls and corridors. The people at Stavanger Universitetssjukehus in Norway have great knowledge of that.
– During the autumn 2010, we started to evaluate our situation beginning with our need for material handling and transportations, says Yngve Mathisen, Section Manager at Stavanger Universitetssjukehus.
Among other things they required a new type of trolley for food transport between kitchen and hospital. The handling has during the years changed from being served from trays to serving from 18 different buffets.
– The old trolleys were heavy and didn’t fulfil the required function. We were looking for a lighter trolley, suited for transportation of the plastic boxes containing the semiproduced food delivered.
" – We found Helge Nyberg AB as a partner, who is flexible and offers a new way of thinking."
Yngve Mathisen, section manager Stavanger universitetssjukehus
Several suppliers throughout Europe were contacted. Helge Nyberg had previously supplied the hospital with warehouse trolleys that they’ve been very pleased with. For example, they had a trolley from the seventies in good condition and still in use.
– Helge Nyberg presented a lot of different types of trolleys. They also proved specialists on transports for health care appliances. A tender document with demand specifications was distributed for procurement.
Being flexible, easy and supple
Helge Nyberg fulfilled the demands. Among other things for the light trolleys that could handle elevator maximum load. The Hospital decided on 20 parcel trolleys for the internal food transportation. The trolleys’ metal construction makes them easy to clean, which is very important to the Hospital. Also 12 grid trolleys were bought to be used for waste disposal and other material handling. High flexibility was a demand since there is a lot of waste to handle and sort in 25 different fractions. The trolleys are easily adapted to various needs by adjustment of the grids.
– We have also invested in a couple of fork-lift trucks, and picking trucks equipped with an adapter that takes it easy to connect the old trolleys in a small train. Battery charging is also very supple. Instead of large installations on walls, the trucks are loaded with a charger not much bigger than a mobile phone, says Mathisen.
In full use after 3 hours
Mathisen continues telling about how smoothly everything worked out: “One morning at nine o’clock, three weeks after order, two trailers arrived with the trolleys. At noon the same day, all food transport trolleys were in full use. We were very impressed and happy”. Helge Nyberg AB also came to check on the delivery, which is highly appreciated.
– We look forward to a long-time cooperation, since we found a partner who is flexible and offers a new way of thinking. It has been a tremendously positive journey from the start and onwards. Well-functioning logistics is an important base for a hospital to work at its best. Our current plans covers up to year 2020. And this is just the beginning, concludes a satisfied Yngve Mathisen.
Stavanger Universitetssjukehus
The Hospital has over 6,500 employees and is one of four University Hospitals in Norway with doctors’ education within several specialist areas. Stavanger is situated in a catching area of 330,000 people. At its position on the Atlantic coast the Hospital is an emergency hospital for the oil rigs out in the Nordic Sea, with an easily accessible helicopter platform with helicopters always ready to take off.